Competitive Program
Competitive Program
Competition and Excellence
We have designated certain classes on our schedule for the competitive students. Dancers in these classes are expected to have excellent attendance and a team approach to their training. These dancers are entered by Marr-Mac into 3 Spring Competitions in the Edmonton area.
There may also be a 4th competition which involves travelling outside of Edmonton. The competitive classes are thoughtfully assembled by the instructors so there is unity within the group.
Age and skill levels must be in synch in order for the class to present well in competition.
There is an entry fee involved for each competition as well as a choreography fee to the Instructor. In the case of a Guest Choreographer, there could be an additional fee charged for their choreography. Their regular Instructor would then clean the choreography for competition and charge a cleaning fee for their time.
Dancers may also choose to do solos, duets or small group choreography for competition. These dancers contact the instructor directly to work on choreography and arrange rehearsal time outside of regular class time, to learn and rehearse the dance. An extra choreography and studio rental fee is charged for this time.